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Sai Prateek Narayan

Sai Prateek Narayan is an architect and urban designer working between design, planning, and community development. He is currently a second-year Master of Urban Design Student, about to start his thesis. Alongside being a research assistant for this project, he is a Teaching Assistant for a GIS course at Carnegie Mellon. He completed his undergraduate degree in architecture from Syracuse University in 2015, and moved to India, where he worked for two years on residential, mixed-use and low-cost township projects.

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Lindsay Poss

Lindsay is a second year student in the Public Policy and Management (PPM) program at Heinz. Before graduate school, she completed a Bachelors of Science in Decisions Science also at Carnegie Mellon University. She represented CMU as part of the Women’s Basketball team, and is now the head coach of the Men’s Club Basketball team at CMU. After graduate school, Lindsay hopes to pursue a career in International Relations, specifically working in U.S.-Russian diplomacy.

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Xiang Li

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Xiaomeng Sun


Rachita Vaidya

Andrew Butcher

Andrew Butcher supports communities around the country in targeting under -utilized land as a platform for creativity, health, justice, and resilience.

He is the 2017/2018 Executive Fellow at The Heinz College of Carnegie Mellon University, a consultant to numerous national non-profits, and was founding CEO of GTECH Strategies - turning an idea in a classroom into a high impact, internationally recognized social enterprise celebrating 10 years in 2017.  

Butcher was a Coro Fellow in St. Louis; An Echoing Green Global Fellow; a Hitachi Foundation Social Entrepreneur; and received his Bachelors from American University and his Masters from The Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University. He lives in Maine, enjoys food metaphors, jumping in cold water, and celebrating parks with his two children and wife Julie Butcher Pezzino. He recently filled over 500 water balloons for game of "mulch hole" (which he invented) to water a newly created  community garden on a vacant lot.



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Laura Calloway

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Paxton Edwards


School of Architecture

Azizan Aziz

School of Architecture

Stefan Gruber

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Costas Samaras


George Mason University

David Williams

Real Estate Asset Counseling, Inc. (REAC)

Tom Coe

Office of the Inspector General

Bernard Bukovc

Office of the Inspector General

Jessica Raines

Postal Vision 2020

John Callen

New York University

Steve Hutkins

Office of the Inspector General

Paula Piscioneri

Executive Director

Mark Karolcyz


Heinz College

City of Pittsburgh

Metro21 at CMU


Postal Vision 2020

The Buhl Foundation


Postal Innovation Platform

Many thanks to numerous individuals from a US federal agency to be unnamed but very relevant to this effort

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