Through our research of various postal facility types as well as various strategies through the overarching themes of food, health, information, energy, and health, we devised a strategy assessment matrix in an attempt to determine the most viable strategy for each postal facility type mentioned. A description of each facility type is mentioned after the matrix.
Grading ease would consist of:
the number of partnerships and stakeholders involved,
estimated total time it would take to complete this strategy, from planning to execution and implementation,
and the evaluation of how this strategy fits within the USPS policy and parameters.
Costs estimates are a function of multiple generic criteria to consider including:
Do strategies require necessary capital improvements? If so at what scale?
Are there existing vendors and/or service providers?
Is there available financing or access to capital for infrastructure improvements?
Is there availability of grant funding through public or philanthropic partners?
Is there a revenue share strategy to factor in with both USPS and/or investors?
There are multiple criteria and methodology to assess impact. For the purposes of this strategy assessment criteria include:
Linkage and alignment with a demonstrable community need and/or priority
Engagement with local networks, organizations, government and agencies
Leveraging of funds and resources for social and environmental benefit
Ability to measure progress, benefit, and return on investment
Demonstrable reduction of negative externality (ie; less stormwater overflow)